Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Life,you chose me
I didn't choose you
You are not fair.

You gave me struggles
but you made him a prince
Is this fair?

I dream of fortunes
but his lot is fortunes
This is not fair!

Yet you teach me
All men are equal
You say u are fair.

But my palm are callouse from labour
But my soul breaksdown under sufferings
Life,teach me your fairness!

I woke up this morning on a reflective note.Truly blogville has been my venting spot and helps me ease emotional stress and all the drama in my head.This poem flowed out of my heart as questions I ask baba God this morning(then I realised its a poem)My friends I've seen alot in my lifetime,I know loads of peeps say this BUT I really mean I've seen alot in my lifetime.Lost ma pop at 10(1995),my family became a victim of "tradition",loads of ma pops properties was taken away from mom,the only house that they couldn't take from us which we lived in suddenly went up in smokes one unsuspecting afternoon(with no one at home and no nepa light,so err1 is asking till today,ow d 4k did it happen?now we live in rented apartment) I once died but God brought me back!I've been shot,drowned,almost assasinated(all because of popsie's stuff o cos I'm the firstborn) My dear I really cannot begin to throwdown all the drama and even if you meet me you'd never think I have gone throught all this cos I'm a jolly good fellow and love to laugh......I'm asking you,is life really fair?I still have to appreciate baba God o atleast me I still have the grace for "pursuit of happiness" but what of those born in darfur,liberia(all those war torn regions?)they die mercilessly not as a fault of their own but.....I don't know jare I'm just rambling in incoherent thoughts......Anywais,thankyou God!


Rita said...

Life may not seem fair but God is fair and just...

Life may rear its ugly face at you but God will always be with you

I have seen a man, born crippled, who loves,adores and worships God, then I realized that indeed God has done some good to me...even when I don't deserve it...

Did you say 10 yrs?! That's when your father died? And you are first born? Sorry oh! You must have had to be a man at an early age...

You mean all these things happened to you all? These our people have not changed. I join you in appreciating God...when you passed through those times, He did not allow the situation drown you...

God has great plans for you...

Flourishing Florida said...

its horrible wot widows had 2 put 2ru @ d loss of their husband by relatives who did absolutely nothing 2 help d dead man while he lived. it's very disheartening. but don't despair love. u r strong. be grateful dat n all these challenges, he still makes u victorious. just yesterday, i was thinking dat shit happens so we don't get too confident n ourselves.

wellsbaba said...

rita...I think ur recent posts anwsers some of my questions
FFF,where have you been?longtym I know i also have not been on ur blog 4giv me plssssss

aloted said...

hmm life o life...life is full of all sorts.
today i realised that even when bad stuff happens and i dont see anything to be thankful for, I shld be thankful for the love and mercy of God over my life.

Like Paul said "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;"

I am thankful to God that you are alive to share your testimony. It is well with u

Woomie O! said...

Don Corleone! when life serves you lemons, make a nice cold lemonade!!!
Life is sooo not fair for some people...wait till you hear some other stories. Baba, smile and be happy...it's what the devil doesn't want...do it to spite him.

Invisible said...

Hmmm, this is deep stuff o. I totally understand you, for real. I can't say I've been in the same shoes as you,(except for my near death experiences) but I see people all around and it just makes me more appreciative. Of course everything hasn't been perfect for me either but I know I'm still better off than a lot of people.
That's why sometimes I get in the spirit and scream and dance when a good praise song comes on. Gbenga Adenuga's Olekoko cd is still my #1 praise jam.

Invisible said...

Oh, by the way, I'll update o but these mini projects due 3 days back to back are killing my free time. I will have something by weekend hopefully.

wordsmith said...

wow. God will continue to keep you o.

princesa said...

It is well dude.
the devil can only try but will never succed in Jesus's name, Amen!

Femi B said...

Gold goes through a lot of heartbreaking orocess before it becomes beautiful to shine...God is preparing you for your shine

LG said...

hmmm!! na wa o *sighs*
God ll continue to protect n guide u n momsy'

take kia

H2O-works said...

First of Floreat...I learned u be KC old b...As per yarning my church mind, hang in there bro...never cease to let ur light shine...without a doubt I know say u be cheerful person, so when the thoughts come to ask why and complain shun them and think on those moments that make u happy, laugh, smile, be free...our gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty both 4rm the material and spiritual point of view..for every trial u have faced, u overcame till this day - that is proof of God's care. Let ur light shine bright, keep that light shining because even in the darkest of rooms, the tiny flames of a candle illuminates the room, chasing the darkness away...keep ur head up bro


IDK said...

There's no doubt that life's not fair but jus remember that God sees the bigger picture and He's in charge, hopefully that reasurres u too as it does me. On a lighter note, it took me the longest time to figure out what 4k meant, I was like why the heck is he puttin 4000 in the middle of this sentence, lol:P

musco said...

baba wells,this is so touching and unbelievable.i'm so sure u woke up this mrng wit all these thoughts on ur mind.u ve survived it up to nw bcs u ve a strong heart & basically bcs 'nothing go do u'!

musco said...

baba wells,this is so touching and unbelievable.i'm so sure u woke up this mrng wit all these thoughts on ur mind.u ve survived it up to nw bcs u ve a strong heart & basically bcs 'nothing go do u'!

GOD still has a plan & purpose 4 ur life no matter d odds!

Mz. Dee said...

funny enuf.. i jst finished readin a book by T.D Jakes and i felt the exact same way..

God is truly good..

Jennifer A. said...

All I could do after reading this post was *sigh*...

We are so limited in our sight...we can't see beyond us...

I loved the way you said, "anyways, thank God." What else can we do but to lift our hands and say "Thank You Father?" He knows all things...He sees what we cannot see...

I love your unkillable spirit!

wellsbaba said...

AHN AHN blogville u guys hav started again ooo...I neva die naw y all of una dey comment as if na my burial..lol...d whole thing feels so melancholic n touching(I must confess) but I appreciate!

aloted thanx4dat bible verse,it will come in handy.....
woomie o "Don Corleone! when life serves you lemons, make a nice cold lemonade!!" I LOVE U4DIS STATEMENT!!!mayb bcos its carleone's or bcos u addressed me as Don I'm not sure of which but i just know I NOW luv u...lol
invisible...lol...so u can fit shake dat boddy in d name of d lord..lol...berra update kai o!
wordsmith n princesa AMEN!
femiB,i know so too o but dis fire is HYOUT!dtemperature is too high but i knw its worth it cos I think I've an idea of what im gonna turnout2b!
lg amen!
h20 FLOREAT!floreat!floreat! anoda KC boi???
idk...lol...LMAO! really?neva tut any1 who have difficulty deciphering that!
musco...lol...nothing go do me...lol
MZ.dee ...all d time!
jaycee...u need2know my spirit,thats my plus,im tooo optimistic,i don.t think im gonna die even if im shot at point blank!


God has been good to you, my broda. Considering what you have gone through (and you alone know what that is), do you think just anyone would have survived those trials without the special blessing and mark of the Most High?

So, as you question life and you wonder about God's plans for you and yours, remember that He has been faithful to you and will continue to be, even when there are tears in your eyes and your feet are tired from moving. He will forever be faithful.

Selah, my broda.

Invisible said...

Believe it o. Body wey no quench for inside pool, body wey no cut for inside accident upon accident. If I fit shake am for club, I suppose fit shake for the Lord o. lol

Nigerian Drama Queen said...

You have truly been through some ish men...yet your still here
If it doesnt kill you-it makes you stronger! My mum always use to tell me-"Life's not fair, but God is good". Those are words that I have hung on to.
Your tests will bring testimonies.
Just keep holding on!
Much love,

Buttercup said...

oh wow..i dont even know what to say..

if u've survived thru all that, u can go thru ANYTHING..what doesnt kill u will only make u stronger!

Buttercup said...

i really shud start readin previous comments, i said the same thing as NDQ..lol!

take care jere!

mizchif said...

It is well my brother.

In all things, we must always thank God, cuz there's always people who have it worse than you do.

Keep being your jolly self jare!

uNWrItten* said...

wow...sorry bout your dad..and everything else..but God saw u thru and thats whats important :)

Laughter said...

You know what? your story sounds like mine but thank God am not the first, my mum just upped and we vamoose come London but I believe there would be a time when God enlarges ones coast and then you would know that the struggles you thought were a killer were really childs play because then family members would then be afraid that you want to fight for all that was lost but instead you have moved on, stay strong and hold onto God, you will surely be blessed.


Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

Wellsbaba, long time. I dnt even know what to say, thats a lot, however as children of God, our confidence lies in our knowledge that he is for us, and he's working for us to bring us to that expected beautiful end.

Woomie O! said...

love you too man!

wellsbaba said...

solomonsydelle there u r!only I know wat I go thru o plus babaGod has sorry IS faithful!
invisible LOL..LOL..
9jadramaqueen Hmmm..I'll hold on2ur motto "life's not fair but God is good!"
buttercup...lol...yes u'd berra be readin b4 commentin
mizchif yes oo what else can I do but thank him???
unwritten longtym!longtym!
laughter LOL..lol..u guys comot,lol..n dats d funny thing they think u guys want d properties back n all so they start disturbing but mehn afterall me I've gone thru oo im gonna collect eerthing back by Gods grace!
omosewa LONGTYM! my dear thats my saving line o I JUST KNOW HE LOVES N CARES BOUT ME SO NOTHING DO ME!
woomie o....muah!

Dee said...

My dear brother I totally feel you! Especially what your family went through after your Pops demise. It happened to me. . . those vipers/vultures!

But you know what? God is not asleep. He is always there for you.

Stay Blessed!

Chris Ogunlowo said...


the foggy cloud will surely clear for a bright new day.

Take it easy ok?

pinkyandbrain said...
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pinkyandbrain said...

Hey Blues Man,I Wont Tell You Feel Good Mantra Or Adage On Been Strong Coz Obviously You've Been Through Thick And Thin Of Life Worst Sitautions.Believe Me,99% Of Us Wont Even Experience Your Roller-coaster Of Unfortunate Events In Our Life-Time(At A Point It Sounded Like Non-Fiction To Me).In A Way Am Uttermostly Delighted That You Waded Through With All The Set-Backs Way From Young While Some Of Us Have Practically Given Up Over Trivial At Least When Compared To Your Ordeals.Whenever Any Blogger Feels Low And Depressed..Think Of Wells And You'd Thankful For Waking Up Alive Every Morning.
P.S-You Reckon With Me Comfortably That Scolari And The Boys Are Doing Just Fine & Should Keep The Tempo Throughout The Season Both At Home & In Europe Lest The 3 Haters Stationed At Home Start Bitting Our Tails..Uhm,We Got One Tailing Us Now Though.

LovePaprika said...

I'm so touched by this wellsbaba!
I'm gla we move with time and we find love in God....

Reality is unfair and sometimes i'll rather be in another world in my head but then i'll come back ( I no be ogbanje no worry..lol) I always say to myself i'm sure someone else has it worse..and on the other hand I am like 'God!' I am not that person! I am me and I will make myself happy no matter what...The jewels are inside and cannot be stolen...

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