Thursday, February 26, 2009


Seriously I don't know what is wrong with me.I'm supposed to upload the concluding part of the story but I'm not just in the mood.I pick up a pen but my fingers refused to write.I got the rest of the story in my head but my heart has refused to will.I just feel I owe it to you guys to upload,thats why I'm here.My life has been a blast recently,I'm loving life and all but there just seem to be this underlying tone of unsatisfaction.What next?What do I do with my life?Right now I'm loving writing and yeah I still need a job o(writing job)but in 9ja you can't rely on only writing to survive.I'm so talented and interested in so many things I'm confused about what to focus my future on...By the way,is there anybody in canada here,I need help,google can't seem to solve it!


Femi B said...

My church mind says you need to go STREAKING!!!! ...that'll give you great direction and make you finish that story.

Ms.O said...

Canada reporting LIVE.....:)

LG said...


LG said...
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Chris Ogunlowo said...

dude, relax well. the words will spill.

Rita said...

Take it easy...please dont put yourself under any pressure


Baba Wells, so you updated ehn?

GoodNaijaGirl is in Canada, hit her up, but don't say I sent you oh!

And, btw, just write...


Buttercup said... praying for u!

Geebee said...

Haba na wa o. Your head wants to do it but your heart and fingers are not cooperating. . . Now you need to get your head to show those silly hands who's the boss. lol. . . .Bro, I feel you. We all have those moments sometimes when you just can't seem to do what you really want to do. The worst of it all is the fact that you can't identify a reason for this. Sucks, right? Hopefully, you'll do the update pretty soon. On the confusion about the future, I know of only one solution . . . Take it to God in prayers. That would definitely work. Cheers baba!

wordsmith said...

i havent been here in ages

she everything is ok sha?

Rayo said...

wetin now?

exschoolnerd said...

everything will fall in place my dear kuli kuli!!! ull see..

Ms.Understood said...

Wellz, I know that feeling all too well ... sometimes I wish I had a stenographer in my mind...just scribbling my thots zzzzzzzzzzz

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